Welcome our new member Sparky / PBE Performance LTD

Sparky® | PBE Performance LTD provides organizations with innovative, technology-enhanced solutions to sustainably improve their performance. Our game-changing solutions elevate an organization’s capability to leverage its visible and latent potential to new levels. We offer high-impact consulting, coaching and SaaS services, including:

  • From Meeting Madness to Impactful and Efficient Meetings | 52S SaaS

  • From Peak Performance to Sustainable High Performance in Teams

  • From Top Leader to High Impact People Leader

  • Sustainably High-Performing and Productively Thriving Work Community

For more details about how we can cooperate please contact us to:

Psychologist and Founder 

Verneri Wirenius      

tel. +358 40 821 4824

email: Verneri@sparky.fi