FBC Kick Started 2019 with Robin Mills’ Cutting Edge Energy Analysis

We and our economy are driven by energy and politics – they are intertwined in more ways than we can fathom. With shifting markets and new competitors not forgetting unpredictable political leaders, what is the outlook in our business environment? We had a pleasure to pick the brains of a true expert in the topic. Robin is an industry expert, author in energy & politics and columnist at the National.

 In his presentation Robin demonstrated that the future outlook for Middle East oil & gas exporters remains positive, but with shifting markets and new competitors it is vital to understand how will our playground develop short and long term.  Climate change puts growing pressure on oil & gas exports. Middle East countries and companies are adapting at varying paces and ways to future lower oil demand and prices. He forecasted how will electric vehicle markets develop here and elsewhere and how will renewables and gas change the global energy markets.  We learned how and why downstream in oil and gas will become as prominent as upstream. The geopolitical rivalry over oil and gas forms a complex geographic matrix with sometimes quickly developing global and regional incidents. Robin Mills’ brilliant analysis and insight makes the pieces click. Looking forward to hearing more. Be sure NOT to miss the next occasion!

Thank you Robin!





Robin Mills with Katja Boutou, Chairman and Jaana Räsänen-Pentti, Honorary Chairman (hosting Mills already for 3rd time for FBC!)

Robin Mills with Katja Boutou, Chairman and Jaana Räsänen-Pentti, Honorary Chairman (hosting Mills already for 3rd time for FBC!)